Wednesday 4 May 2022

5 Tips for Making the Most of Small Bathroom Renovations

small bathroom renovations melbourne

A renovation can be a great way to update your home and make it feel new again, but small bathroom renovations are often overlooked in favour of larger ones that more obviously impact the look and feel of the home. Don’t miss out on this chance to freshen up your favourite room! Here are five tips for making the most of small bathroom renovations Melbourne.

1) Avoid overcrowding

When it comes to bathroom remodels, we often focus on big projects: bigger shower stalls and soaking tubs, more storage space and more countertop space. But small-bathroom renovations can help you avoid overcrowding. Think about what needs updating in your home’s smallest room. Are there areas that are not being used? Is there wasted space under a sink or behind a toilet? Consider knocking down walls to create open spaces, which will make your bathroom feel larger than it is. And don’t forget lighting! A few well-placed lights will brighten up dark corners and draw attention away from cramped spaces.

2) Use your space wisely

Whether your bathroom is large or small, there are always opportunities to use space wisely. Here are a few ways you can maximize square footage in your bathroom. The most obvious way to make more room in your bathroom is by using it efficiently. That means storing all of your toiletries and cosmetics in drawers and cabinets instead of leaving them out on open shelves where they take up valuable real estate.

3) Go monochrome

If you’re looking to make your bathroom feel bigger, one way to do so is by painting everything a neutral colour. Painting your ceiling, walls and floor all white will keep things looking open and airy while also creating cohesion in design. It will also have the extra benefit of making cleaning much easier! When it comes time to freshen up, simply clean off each surface with bleach-free wipes instead of needing to tackle three different surfaces at once. When conducting small bathroom renovations Melbourne, there are lots of benefits that come from taking a minimalist approach; don’t be afraid to take advantage of them!

4) Think about how you use your space

If you’re short on square footage, you can free up some by eliminating redundant spaces and streamlining your activities. For example, if there’s a room in your house that serves as both a formal dining area and a family room but is only used as one or the other on any given day, then consider doing away with it entirely and choosing just one use.

small bathroom renovations melbourne

5) Keep things neat and tidy

The first thing you’ll want to do when deciding how to makeover a small bathroom is decluttered. Get rid of anything that doesn’t add to your well-being—and might actually be distracting or harmful. This can include things like hairdryers, straighteners, razor holders and more. Think about what you have used every day and get rid of anything that doesn’t fit in with your decor or lifestyle.

1 comment:

  1. Are you looking for a Bathroom renovation in Malvern? If so, we can assist you! At OT, we provide high-quality home modification services and can restore the beauty of your Bathroom. We never disappoint, so give us a call today!


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