Wednesday 29 June 2022

10 Ways To Make A Small Bathroom Look And Feel Bigger

bathroom renovation melbourne

We all know that bathrooms are an essential room in any house. It is also the first room that people will enter when they come home from work. So you need to make sure that you keep it clean.

Here are some of the ways to make your bathroom bigger without losing the charm of your bathroom:

1.  Add more storage space

If your bathroom renovation melbourne has a small space, then you can easily add more storage space with bathroom cabinets. You can use them to store towels, sheets and other things. The most important thing is that you should not change the décor of your bathroom just to store extra things.

2.  Change the color of wall tiles

It is better if you replace the old tiles in your bathroom with new ones. The reason behind this is that the old tiles are easily broken and you will not be able to see your floor. Besides that, old tiles will give your bathroom an outdated look.

3.  Get the right lighting

The right lighting will ensure that your bathroom will look bright and beautiful. The best way is to install the light fixtures that are adjustable and have a good light that will give light to all your bathroom. This will also make your bathroom beautiful without any glare.

4.  Install a shower head

You can easily install the shower head in your shower that will make it big and spacious. 

5.  Install the mirror

The mirror in your bathroom is one of the most important things that every homeowner needs. The 

size mirror will help you to see your face in the mirror. If you don’t have a large mirror in your bathroom, then this will not do any good.

6.  Update the faucets

Your bathroom faucet is one of the most important things that you need to keep in your house. To keep it clean and tidy, you can replace it with a new one.

7.  Make your bathtub big

If your bathtub is old, then it will be difficult to clean. It will be very hard to fill the tub with water. You should invest in the new bathtub that is large enough for your family.

bathroom renovation melbourne

8.  Clean the bathtub

It is better if you remove the dirt from the bathtub. Sometimes people tend to take the bathtub with them when they go out for work. This will not only make your bathroom dirty but also make the bathtub dirty.

9.  Use the right soap

The soap in your bathroom needs to be the right kind of soap. Too much soap will make your bathroom dirty and clogged. You should also buy the same soap that you use for bathing. 

10. Make your shower floor bigger

The shower floor in your bathroom should be big enough for the person who is using it. You can install the floors in the bathrooms that are big enough for two people.

If your bathroom has a small bathroom, then you should install the mirror in your bathroom. A small mirror gives off a bad impression to your bathroom. The mirror can reflect the light in your bathroom and add some light to your bathroom.

Monday 13 June 2022

Why Small Bathroom Renovations are Crucial for Your Home?

small bathroom renovations melbourne

Think about your bathroom. How big it is, and what you usually use it for? Chances are, this room isn’t the largest in your home, nor are you using it for anything besides showering and getting ready in the morning (or evening, depending on how late you go to bed). That’s why small bathroom renovations melbourne might not seem like such a pressing task. However, there are plenty of reasons why this room should be high on your list of home updates!

Get yourself informed

The most important step to creating a small bathroom renovation is to understand what you’re dealing with. When it comes to small bathrooms, size is all relative. If your space feels cramped and uncomfortable, it’s time to take action and make some improvements. You may be surprised by how much you can fit into a tiny space once you get creative and get rid of clutter.

Work with a skilled professional

A renovation can be a daunting project, especially if you have only a vague idea of what you want to achieve. A skilled professional will make sure that your ideas—no matter how wild they might seem—can be realized in reality. Hiring a small bathroom renovations melbourne professional is also important because it’s often quite expensive to change things around once you’ve made your decision.

Keep up with the trends

The bathroom is one of those rooms that people rarely pay much attention to. However, it’s important to keep up with these trends and make updates when necessary. In fact, with small renovations like paint and new faucets, you can quickly spruce up your space without spending too much money or taking on a larger renovation project down the road. As long as you stay in line with current styles and colors, it’s easy to update your bathroom without doing major work.

Check out your local store and get inspired

There’s no better place to start your bathroom renovation than at your local home improvement store. You may already have a few rooms in mind that you want to spruce up or get new fixtures, but heading to a store and just looking around is a great way to see what styles, colors and materials are trending right now. It can also be helpful when it comes time to find items like towels, bathmats or soap dishes that match your chosen look.

Don’t forget about safety

In our fast-paced world, safety has often taken a backseat to convenience and aesthetics. But small bathroom renovations can significantly improve your home’s safety and security, as well as increase its resale value. Consider these ways you can improve your home with small bathroom renovations

Use your current space as efficiently as possible.

When it comes to small bathroom renovations, don’t get frustrated when you feel cramped—just use your current space as efficiently as possible. An over-the-toilet cabinet is a great place to store small supplies and toiletries. Also, removing an extra door and replacing it with a curtain or folding screen can add privacy without taking up too much space.

small bathroom renovations melbourne

See beyond physical limitations

If you have a small bathroom, and can only change one thing, it should be your mindset. You don’t need to make your entire bathroom bigger—you simply need to adjust your perception of how big it is, and see past its physical limitations. Avoid making any renovations that will increase actual room size. Instead, focus on redesigning the layout in an effective way so that it feels larger than ever before. 


A quick update to your home will make a big difference when it comes to resale value and is a good way to gain more space without making any major changes. It’s crucial that you don’t overlook small bathroom renovations melbourne as an important piece of updating your home.

Why Are Bathroom Renovations Essential?

If you're like most people, your bathroom is the place you spend the most time in. So, if it's outdated and falling apart, it can fe...